Connecting to BRI Lines

The device provides up to eight BRI S/T ports. These ports connect to ISDN terminal equipment such as ISDN telephones. Each BRI port can be configured either as termination equipment/user side (TE) or network termination/network side (NT). Up to eight terminal equipment (TE) devices can be connected per BRI S/T port, using an ISDN S-bus that provides eight ISDN ports. When configured as NT, the BRI port drives a nominal voltage of 38 V with limited current supply of up to 100 mA.

BRI port cabling must be routed only indoors and must not exit the building.
To protect against electrical shock and fire, use a 26 AWG min wire to connect the BRI ports to the PSTN.

BRI interfaces are a separate orderable item.

Cable specifications:

Cable: 26 AWG min.
Connector Type: RJ-45
Connector Pinouts:

RJ-45 Connector Pinouts for BRI Ports

To connect the BRI ports:
1. Connect the BRI cable to the device's BRI RJ-45 port.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to your ISDN telephone or PBX/PSTN switch.

Cabling BRI Ports